A dark blue CargoMate logo

Real-time cargo operations monitoring for container carriers

A ship's crew member holding a CargoMate device

Less port time

Save fuel

Improve CII rating

Maintain schedules

Save $200,000 per ship annually through improved schedule control.

CargoMate tracks everything in port,
so your ships have more time at sea.

No installation required

A CargoMate device being used during a port call

All data sent from your ships using a CargoMate device.

A person monitoring port call progress using a tablet and the CargoMate Dashboard

View progress on a web browser or receive email updates.

Three examples of ships that saved money with CargoMate

A screenshot of 'Cargo Ops Complete' from the CargoMate Dashboard

Get CargoMate on your ships today

  • “Very impressed, easy to navigate and understand. The live dashboard and summary analysis are excellent”.

    Chief Officer of 14,000 TEU containership

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